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MECHANICSBURG, Pa. — Terry Ray’s new series, “The Crossers”, just released by Sunbury Press, tells the epic story of a new religion forming in the northwestern United States. There are currently four books in the series, with more planned.

519+ToMmPfL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Book One: The Man in the Mountain

This American epic adventure begins with a young, insecure magazine writer on an assignment to locate still-existing Hippie communes that, allegedly, have survived since the sixties. The trail leads to the remote mountains of Montana. Marty Chapman could not possibly have imagined that this trip would turn his life upside-down and send shock waves throughout the entire world.

His chance encounter with a mountain man who has lived alone in the magnificent, Alp-like wilderness for fifty of his seventy years, leads not only to Marty finding the father-figure he has always yearned for but to a mystery that old Art has kept secret for many years and grudgingly reveals to Marty.

Together, they come up with a plan to crack the secret and end-up finding something that is, literally, beyond belief. It is so mind-altering that Marty’s father-figure dies from the shock and Marty is left trying to maintain his sanity while coping with something that that is so overwhelming, he cannot allow himself to even consider the possibility it could be real.

ISBN: 9781620062975  Price: $16.95


41J4apd6KPL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Book Two: The Circle

There are many roads leading to hell and the members of the inner-circle follow their unique paths to misery, oblivion, and hopelessness – before they begin their long and hard journey back to the light.

With the exception of one, they are all just ordinary people, like you and me, who face the same torments in life, as do all human beings. The reader will have experienced many of the same life tragedies, as do these ordinary souls of the inner circle, and will feel their anguish as their paths draw them toward the darkness . . . and will think, “There, but for the grace of God, go I.”

Only one story ends in happiness and self-satisfaction. John basks in the glow of the world he has built. His insatiable, unfeeling greed, sets in motion an unstoppable juggernaut, paving his way to power, fame, and wealth by crushing countless, innocent souls beneath its path. Readers will know this man. He has, at one time or another, crossed the path of all our lives.

Book Two of the Crosser’s Series will be as a mirror to the readers – in which they will, somewhere, see themselves. You will compelled, from time to time, to put down your book and simply ponder.

By this epic journey’s end, you may very well emerge a different, stronger, and happier person than when the journey began. You will never forget the people who walked by your side, nor the lessons you have learned along the twists and turns.

ISBN: 9781620063002  Price: $16.95


41+CkmGjkfL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Book Three: Crossing the Valley:

With grief, apprehension, and a new writing assignment, Marty Chapman returns to Montana. He is not alone this time. For the first time in his life he has fallen in love. Ginny Allen is a soft-hearted, straight-talking, very strong young woman with a girlish sense of humor, who not only loves Marty but provides him the courage he has always lacked. Without Ginny, Marty would not have had the strength to return to this frightening place where he had come perilously close to losing his mind. She is open, trusting, and unafraid while Marty is skeptical of all things and all people and he lives with an ever present sense fear, yet, somehow, they have found what they need, in one another.

A defrocked preacher, a paroled killer, a Canadian misfit, a female business magnate, a dysfunctional trial lawyer, a retired philosophy professor, a high-priced prostitute, and a gay survivor of a suicide attempt, also follow Marty to the magnificent mountains. They believe in the impossible that Marty cannot allow himself, and all have been mysteriously drawn to make this journey.

Not all of them survive the experience.

ISBN: 9781620063033  Price: $16.95


41v+E7N7B+L._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_Book Four: Path to Armageddon:

As the journey makes its final turn, the forces – good and evil – move into position for the final act . . . all converging at breath-taking speed toward a certain place and certain time -setting the stage for an inexorable collision that will be witnessed by the entire world. The slightest breeze could bend the arc and dramatically change everything before the curtain falls.

John Hennessey is at the center of this vortex and uses all his blind power and ambition power make sure the forces obey his Leviathan will. He has never been beaten or bowed and he will make certain that he will, as always, emerge triumphant.

The reader will be swept-up in these raging currents, side-by-side with companions from the long journey that have become a part of life. Your heart will pound and your breath will be taken in gasps as the stage begins to darken and the end draws near.

It is Armageddon.

ISBN: 9781620063064  Price: $16.95


1380820861595162360040For more information about the set:


Also available on Kindle and Nook.

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